Monday, December 19, 2016

Finals Week at ACHS

Last week was the final week of the fall semester at ACHS. Students were busy studying for finals and making sure all of their work was turned in. Students had time to do some extra studying during their YESS classes. They also used the time to finish putting together their final projects for YESS (look for photos after break). Some of the students organized potlucks on their last day of class to celebrate the end of the semester! YESS students are excited for their holiday break and are looking forward to having more mentors in their classes next semester.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Week 17 at ACHS

This past week in class we spent time exploring the War on Drugs. We watched a video narrated by Jay Z about statistics on drug use and incarceration of people of color. After the video, mentor leaders led a discussion for students to talk more about what their opinions and beliefs were on the War on Drugs and share their personal experiences. One of the mentor leaders put together a Powerpoint on research she had done on New Jim Crow laws. She went back to the start of Jim Crow Laws and compared it to today's statistics on minorities and incarceration rates. The mentees were also given time in class to study for the upcoming finals. Students also spent time working on their final projects.

Final Project: The Hippocampus and Alzheimer's  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 16

Students arrived back at school after a long Thanksgiving break to start their last YESS unit of the semester. This week students began a unit on drugs and the brain. We started off the unit discussing how drugs affect the brain at the beginning of the week. By the end of the week students picked out specific drugs they wanted to research and then present to the class. Students have also been busy working on their final projects for their YESS class, where they are designing a comic book character based off of a region of the brain and then making a six panel comic storyline about their character.

Cerebral Core-Brainer