Monday, April 24, 2017

Prom and Spirit Week!

This week was filled with spirit week and prom excitement at ACHS! Students learned about teen dating abuse in their YESS classes. Students learned what to look for in an abusive relationship and discussed the connections between dating abuse and bullying. Some classes also had the opportunity to learn about two bills that are currently in the Colorado House that relate to technology and teen dating abuse. Students had a mock debate using these two bills. After the debate students discussed what kind of bill they would like to see passed in Colorado based on their own experiences and what they had learned from the debate.  

At the end of the week one of our mentor leaders designed a lesson to guide us into our final unit of the semester. The lesson gave students an introduction to life after high school and got students thinking about their future education and career goals. Students researched the cost of living in areas they might want to live in after they graduate, and began thinking about what kinds of careers would support their desired lifestyles. 

Debate Prep

Monday, April 17, 2017

Bullying Continued

    It was a short week at ACHS with the SAT/PSAT and and PARCC tests taking place. At the beginning of the week we took some time out of our normal class period to go over the SAT test, how it is structured, why it is important, and how scores are used. Students had time to look at a practice test and ask questions about the different sections, timing and scoring.
     At the end of the week students continued their unit on bullying with a lesson and discussion on microagressions. Students discussed how microagressions show up in their own lives and in school, and they identified why microagressions could be a form of bullying, such as people asking "what are you?" or "that's gay". Students discussed how it is often assumed that they speak Spanish, or how they will get complimented on how well they speak English by adults at school. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Love Cup, Emo Trolls and Bullying

Emo Trolls

This week at ACHS students learned about the YESS Emo Trolls and designed their own trolls to represent each of the negative behavior troll emotions. Students then brainstormed ways to counteract these negative emotions through the Love Cup activity. Students discussed what activities they do to recharge or feel better such as listening to music, hanging out with friends, going outside, or eating yummy food. Students also discussed what things drain them, such as drama, homework and phone bills. Students then designed art projects to represent what restores them and what drains them. Students ended the week with a lesson on bullying. Students discussed the different types of bullying and came up with examples from their own lives for each type of bullying. Students then completed readings on the impact of bullying on students in Colorado.

Love Cups