Wednesday, January 17, 2018


The year is off to a GREAT start! Words can't describe how happy we are to finally have a home in Adams City, no more rolling the contents of my entire classroom on a tiny cart!!! The school now has a place for the misfits and the marginalized, the boys, girls and every individual in between. The gay, straight, black, white, younger, older, introverted, extroverted. A safe space for social-emotional learning to flourish through leadership and relationship building. We could not be more happy and excited as this gives us the opportunity to take the YESS program to the next level!

Over the past week, I have been working on re-introducing what Youth Empowerment looks like and can offer. I gained a lot of new students and lost a handful as well, but we are doing our best to bounce back and recruit as a team. I am working with the counselors every day and I've been surprised by all of the students approaching me in my off time to join the program because of positive word of mouth my students are spreading. I have been putting in the work to get organized in a short amount of time and make our space feel like home, working from sun up to sun down getting all my ducks in a row. I can't believe how lucky we got with a space away from all the noisy chaos in the school. A space with windows lining an entire wall! We have an in-room bathroom, fridge, and office. Even some more computer stations and moving white boards! I can even arrange my desks how I want to! This is a privilege I will never take for granted, it fuels my fire to create an anxiety-free room of love. I can't wait to get my rosters solidified and the curriculum up and running!

Last week we were also lucky enough to have a familiar face, Angel Trujillo-Gomez, who is a ACHS alumni and a first generation college attendee. It was such a treat, highlight, and perfect way to begin the motivation of the year by having her come speak about her current experience and journey regarding continued educational success. My students had many questions answered and some anxieties relieved, she was able to speak so eloquently on the differences and the transitional experience related to the road from Adams City to College - it was so special to hear for both the students and myself- they had the opportunity to see themselves in her. It was inspiring to say the least.

P.S - With the new space, I now have a room for the GSA club to meet which is in the process of getting assembled, WAHOO!

Happy 2018 everyone,
Ms. Castro

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! I’m so excited to see you in a classroom. I know it will become a home base! (Check out those windows!!!) - Jamie
