Monday, May 21, 2018

Stand Up Project & GRADUATION!

Last week flew by in the blink of an eye. It was somewhat of a lonely week for us at ACHS because it was the first time that all of the seniors in the building were gone. My classes were much quieter, partially due to the kids starting their huge capstone project and partially because a think that a lot of students are mentally checked out at this point in the year. This has been a big challenge for us lately, but each class I talk about the importance of finishing strong with the help of inspirational videos - it is a constant task for all of us to hold ourselves and each other accountable - the year is not over yet!

As for the project they started called the Stand Up Project, they are to complete 3 parts by the last class day. First, students are to choose a social justice issue that they care about most then they are to do 3 different tasks with their topic. They are to write two reflections, one on their chosen issue and one on themselves. They are expected to go into detail about why they chose their project and what they learned. In the other reflection they are to describe what they have enjoyed most this year (lessons, activities, concepts) and describe what they have learned about themselves over the past year. Lastly, they are to complete a "community project" which educates, inspires, and motivates others to get involved in their cause. The list they have to choose from is lengthy so they have a LOT of freedom with this project (fundraiser, survey, music video, tri fold, video slide show, serve the community, etc.). Excited for their final presentation!

Also, this weekend was GrAdUaTiOn!!! The ceremony was beautiful. I was excited to see a lot of underclassmen there so they could realize what an honored and valued accomplishment that graduation is. Jen, my mentor leader, gave a really beautiful valedictorian speech with emotional sentiments and true-to-self charismatic "Jen" laughs.

I'm going to miss the class of 2018 something fierce, I am better for knowing each and every one of them.

Here are some photos from graduation :)

As we go on... we remember... all the times we... spent together 😩
Not seeing these faces during off periods, lunch, after school, and during class is going to be such a difficult and lonely transition! But sending them off to contribute all the beauty and knowledge have to offer society only makes room in my heart for more wonderful seniors 💜

Here are some sweet shots of my mom (she was in town to meet my students and meet seniors at graduation!) helping Kevin with his graduation cap decor. The pic on the left are the caps we helped Jen and Carlos with. It was cool being able to recognize them all the way from the nose bleeds in the stands!

Until next week (THE LAST WEEK OH MY GOSH!),
Ms. C

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