Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Relationships & Apple Pie

Last week we learned about doing your part in relationships through the metaphor of apple pie.

We taught about the different kinds of relationships- family, friends, romantic, co-workers, things like that. We discovered who we are in these relationships by asking ourselves to reflect on a quote for the question of the day and also filling out a survey that told us whether we were A, B, or C type of pie eater. A was a whole pie eater or someone who does a lot in the relationship and can be taken advantage of easily or burns out and maybe can be controlling, B was a balanced pie eater which means you give and take in a healthy way, C was a pie crumb eater so someone who doesn't do a lot in relationships and can play the victim often and blame others and even be lazy. We also shared 3 relationships in our life where we are all 3 of these types, it is pretty impossible to be balanced all across the board but we discussed what it takes to have a healthy half pie eaten relationship with everyone important to us in our lifes. What are the ingredients for a healthy relationship with positive communication? We expored this question more with skits where we were randomly given one type of relationship and with our groups had to demonstrate this relationship and come to a consequence for each type. Then the whole class had to guess which type of pie eater this scenario was trying to show. It was so fun, funny, and educational!!! We loved the skits the best. 


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